HMP Nursing Services, Inc., located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, has served the healthcare industry throughout South and Central Mississippi since 1994. HMP Nursing Services, Inc. offers services that are tailored to meet the needs of individual patients within a medical facility or at home. All services are rendered by experienced personnel and are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. HMP Nursing Service, Inc., providing Private Duty Nursing and Staff Relief Nursing, invites you to learn more about the services offered and how your individual healthcare needs can be met.
HMP Nursing Services' emphasis is on satisfied clients, the people who receive the benefits of our skills. therefore, all of our employees are screened and verified with education, experience and empathy for patients and their families. Because your concern is anticipated about someone new in your facility or home, we also take extra care to provide the right care givers to meet your requirements.